Strengthening communities with data services and organizational support
We provide comprehensive research, strategy, implementation, and creative services that promote and support community initiatives.
Everything we do is to ensure the communities we work with are capable, respected, and seen.
Our goal is always self-determination for the communities we serve, where decision-making power resides with our clients. We provide accurate and useful data, because true representation is impossible without it.
We partner with tribal, nonprofit, and mission-driven organizations to deliver and measure impact.
We assist organizations who are dedicated to promoting equity, health, and well-being for their communities. We take a holistic, systems approach to our work, where individuals, families, households, beliefs, ways of knowing, economies, environments, and governments all play a role.
We use innovative strategies and methods that put communities and people first.
We’re committed to participatory methods and welcome anyone interested in contributing. We value each participant’s unique skill sets and ways of knowing.
Our philosophy is to be optimally unprepared.
We come in with a plan based on shared principles and proven methods, but remain flexible and open to new ideas throughout the process.
Our clients
Blackfeet Tribe
Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship
Island Mountain Development Group
KLJ Engineering
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
Lower Sioux Indian Community
Monacan Indian Nation
Oglala Sioux Tribe
Pine Ridge Area Chamber of Commerce
Rosebud Sioux Tribe
Region 5 Development Commission
Akiptan CDFI
Black Hills Community Loan Fund
California FarmLink
Community First Fund
First American Capital Corporation
First Nations Community Financial
Four Bands Community Fund
Hawaiian Community Assets
Inclusive Action for the City
Lakota Funds
Montana Native Growth Fund
Mountain | Plains Regional Native CDFI Coalition
NACDC Financial Services
Nimiipuu Community Development Fund
Nixyaawii Community Financial Services
Oweesta Corporation
People’s Partner for Community Development
Rural Community Assistance Corporation
Spruce Root Community Development
Taala Fund
Tiwa Lending Services
Westwater Financial, Inc.
Wind River Development Fund
Wisconsin Native Loan Fund
Woodland Financial Partners (formerly known as Niijii Capital Partners)
Enterprise Community Partners
Laguna Housing Authority
Mountain T.O.P.
Pueblo of Jemez Housing Authority
Santo Domingo Tribal Housing Authority
South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition
Spokane Indian Housing Authority
Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative
Intertribal Agriculture Council
Makoce Agriculture Development
Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College
Poudre Food Partnership
Sicangu Resource Development
Tanka Fund
Texas Tribal Buffalo Project
Village Earth
American Indian College Fund
Cheyenne River Tribal Ventures
Cheyenne River Youth Project
Creative Community Leadership Institute
First Peoples Fund
Good Relatives Collaborative
Honor the Earth
McKnight Foundation
Native Inc.
Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation